Sunday, September 7, 2008

New Bike

I stumbled upon a good deal this past week and picked up a second new used bike. When an expat has a going away sale or a 'Sayonara Sale' they usually have to get rid of a bunch of things quick. This bike was listed for Y2000, just under $20 by someone leaving for China I think.Y2000 is a good deal for this bike, full suspension, folding, lock and mug guards. It's normal that people have a bikes parked at train stations they use often. I got this bike to keep down in Handa, at Kamezaki station, which is about 2Km from where I work. The walk is about 20 minutes, the bike ride is less then 10.Above is the bike parked a Okkawa station, I had to leave it here for a couple of days, but this is only one station south from Kamezaki. It you look close, you can see the bike is simply locked to itself.People do not really lock their bikes to poles or something fixed, typically you are good to just lock the rear weheel from spinning and 99% of the time, this is enough to keep someone from walking off with your bike. The other 1% of people taking your bike, is usually when they walk out of a bar and need to get home, quick.My original plan was a to get a folding bike to keep down south at work, and when you came to visit, I would have the option to fold up the bike and bring it back to Nagoya for you to use. But this past Saturday, I took it to work for the first time on the train, and this bike must weight 45 lbs. It is kind of a burden to carry around. My other bike is right around 19 lbs... no problem.

1 comment:

Erin said...

When I come to visit I would like a bike, please.